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How To Set Cart Condition Rules On Your WooCommerce Store By UCFW

How To Set Cart Condition Rules On Your WooCommerce Store By UCFW

The idea of cart conditions emerges when you need to apply certain restrictions to prevent the misuse of the WooCommerce coupons on your site. This WordPress coupon plugin would offer you a very user-friendly feature so that you can comfortably set the coupon rules.

Additionally, you can impose them based on product category, first purchase, subtotal amount, cart quantity, and many more. Choosing between AND/OR logic, you’d also be able to include multiple groups of conditions. That said, there are a dozen more options available that are waiting for you to play with.

Multiple Group of Conditions

Add multiple sets of rules with data provided by WooCommerce. You can set and/or logic x conditions.

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Add Conditions

-Allowed Users
-Disallowed Users

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-User Logged Status
-User First Purchase Only
-Cart Quantity

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Cart Subtotal
Product Quantity in Cart
User Order Number
User Total Spent
Hours After User Registration
Hours After User Last Order
Has User Ordered Before
Custom Taxonomy in Cart
Custom User Meta
Custom Product Meta
Shipping Zones


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Great! Now let’s check how conditions working on the storefront based on the screenshot above.

We want only guests and who made no purchase/User’s first purchase only can apply our coupon.

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Ok! I hope you have a full idea about condition usage after watching the doc, you can watch our video tutorials which have more details with real-life use cases examples. Video Tutorials