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How To Offer Buy One Get One Deals For Your WooCommerce Store


How To Offer Buy One Get One Deals For Your WooCommerce Store

There is barely any alternative to the BOGO (Buy-One-Get-One) coupons when it comes to offering lucrative deals for customers. This WordPress coupon plugin would allow you to manually set a Buy X Get X offer regardless of product categories. You can also make the deal available for repetitive use of the coupon.

In addition to that, by using this plugin you would receive 3 types of BOGO discounts that include overriding product price (can even make it free), percentage & fixed discount (can deduct a fixed amount from the product price). Besides, you can trigger the deal when all/any (Match All/ Match Any) target products’ quantity would match with the specified amount.

Buy X Get X Deals

Offer users to buy x and get x with multiple conditions.

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Allow Repeated Use

Check if you want users to be able to avail these deals not just once but every time the coupon is used.

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What is target and apply items?

Target items are products, which if exist in the cart, will activate the deal. You can set multiple target items (variable products are supported as well), and specify the minimum required quantity in the cart.

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Apply items are products when customers apply coupons, deals will be added to the cart. You can set multiple deals items with specified discount pricing such as Override, Fixed, and Percentage.

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Target Items – Match All/Any

Match All – All items are required to be present in the cart to activate the deals.
Match Any 
– If one item is present in the cart will activate the deals.
Quantity – Please consider a minimum quantity to work with these items.
Dependency – Coupon

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Apply Items – Match All, Cheapest, and Random.

Match All – All items will be activated in the cart after the coupon is applied.
Match Random 
– Random items will be activated in the cart after the coupon is applied.
Match Cheapest 
– Cheapest items will be activated in the cart after the coupon is applied. Quantity- Please consider a minimum quantity to work with these items.
– Target items

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Cart Page

In cart page with the settings applied for BXGX deals resulted in something like this:

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In cart page after applied coupon.

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Ok! I hope you have a full idea about bxgx usage after watching the doc, you can watch our video tutorials which have more details with real-life use cases examples. Video Tutorials

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