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Category: Woocommerce

The marketing plan: Buy One Get One Deal (BOGO) and 50% Off Savings

To enhance sales, various strategies are employed, including discounts and free coupons like BOGO (Buy X Get X Free) deals. BOGO offers to give customers a second product for the price of one, enticing them to buy without significant risk. 50% savings sells a product at half price, not requiring a full payment upfront. Both strategies can be profitable, and a plugin can simplify their implementation on a website.

Tips for WooCommerce Abandoned Emails

In today’s highly competitive e-commerce market, it is not uncommon for customers to abandon their shopping carts without completing the purchase. This phenomenon, known as cart abandonment, poses a significant challenge for online businesses using WooCommerce – a popular WordPress plugin for creating and managing online stores. However, all hope is not lost! By implementing […]

5 Important WooCommerce Metrics and KPIs

As an online store owner, it is vital to assess the performance of your WooCommerce store. To do this, it is important to understand which metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are important for you to measure. In this article, we will discuss the most important WooCommerce metrics and KPIs that you should track in […]